Setting purchase order approval limits

Use Purchase Order Approval and Limits to ensure employees issuing POs without your authority. 

You can require approval for any value, or insert a limit over which approval must be gained before the purchase order can be sent to the supplier.

Here's an example of how it works.

Purchaser Limit - £100
Purchasing Manager Limit- £1000
Director - No limit

If the 'Purchaser' user raises a Purchase Order totalling £500 - it will go to the Purchasing Manager for approval before it can be sent to the supplier. 

For a PO totalling £1500 - it will go to the 'Purchasing Manager' first, and then the manager will go to the 'Director'.

If the Purchasing Manager is off, then the MD can approve it directly.

! Only administrators may set user purchase approval limits.

To set a user's purchase approval limits, administrators must first go to Settings > Users > Edit User.

Users settings (highlighted)

'Purchase Orders Require Approval' checkbox must be ticked and a set approval limit value applied. 

Approval limit editing (highlighted)

A designated approver must be set for any user with a defined approval limit.

Example: Approval limits of £500 and a designated approver

Once the approval limit and approver have been defined, administrators can save the changes by selecting 'Update user' or 'Create User' if the approval limits were set during user creation.

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